Kwetsbaarheden verholpen in Microsoft Windows
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PGP-versies zijn leidend.
Publicatie |
Kans |
Schade |
Versie 1.00 |
gisteren |
NCSC-2025-0078 |
Signed-PGP →
gisteren |
NCSC-2025-0078 [1.00] |
Signed-PGP →
Kenmerken |
- Buffer Over-read
- Heap-based Buffer Overflow
- External Control of File Name or Path
- Protection Mechanism Failure
- Relative Path Traversal
- NULL Pointer Dereference
- Incorrect Conversion between Numeric Types
- Untrusted Pointer Dereference
- Improper Resolution of Path Equivalence
- Integer Overflow or Wraparound
- Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor
- Insertion of Sensitive Information into Log File
- Use After Free
- Out-of-bounds Read
- Improper Link Resolution Before File Access ('Link Following')
- Sensitive Data Storage in Improperly Locked Memory
- Improper Neutralization
- Improper Access Control
Omschrijving |
Microsoft heeft kwetsbaarheden verholpen in Windows.
Een kwaadwillende kan de kwetsbaarheden misbruiken om aanvallen uit te voeren die kunnen leiden tot de volgende categorieën schade:
Denial-of-Service (DoS)
Omzeilen van beveiligingsmaatregel
Uitvoer van willekeurige code (root/adminrechten)
Uitvoer van willekeurige code (Gebruikersrechten)
Verkrijgen van verhoogde rechten
Toegang tot gevoelige gegevens
Voordoen als andere gebruiker
Van de kwetsbaarheden met kenmerk CVE-2025-24983, CVE-2025-24984, CVE-2025-24985, CVE-2025-24991, CVE-2025-24993 en CVE-2025-26633 geeft Microsoft aan informatie te hebben dat deze eerder actief zijn misbruikt als Zeroday. Er is geen publieke Proof-of-Concept (PoC) of exploitcode bekend. De kwetsbaarheden zijn uitsluitend lokaal te misbruiken. Grootschalig actief misbruik wordt hierdoor niet waarschijnlijk geacht.
Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers:
Remote Desktop Client:
Kernel Streaming WOW Thunk Service Driver:
Windows USB Video Driver:
Windows Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS):
Role: DNS Server:
Microsoft Management Console:
Windows exFAT File System:
Windows Cross Device Service:
Windows Fast FAT Driver:
Microsoft Windows:
Windows Mark of the Web (MOTW):
Windows Win32 Kernel Subsystem:
Windows Kernel Memory:
Microsoft Local Security Authority Server (lsasrv):
Microsoft Streaming Service:
Windows Telephony Server:
Windows NTLM:
Windows MapUrlToZone:
Windows Common Log File System Driver:
Windows Hyper-V:
Windows Remote Desktop Services:
Windows Subsystem for Linux:
Windows File Explorer:
Windows NTFS:
Bereik |
Platforms |
Producten |
Versies |
Microsoft Remote Desktop client for Windows Desktop
Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Windows 10 1507
Microsoft Windows 10 1607
Microsoft Windows 10 1809
Microsoft Windows 10 21h2
Microsoft Windows 10 22h2
Microsoft Windows 10 Version 1507
Microsoft Windows 10 Version 1607
Microsoft Windows 10 Version 1809
Microsoft Windows 10 Version 21H2
Microsoft Windows 10 Version 22H2
Microsoft Windows 11 22H2
Microsoft Windows 11 23H2
Microsoft Windows 11 Version 23H2
Microsoft Windows 11 Version 24H2
Microsoft Windows 11 version 22H2
Microsoft Windows 11 version 22H3
Microsoft Windows App Client for Windows Desktop
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (Server Core installation) Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 (Server Core installation) Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 (Server Core installation) Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 (Server Core installation) Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Microsoft Windows Server 2016 (Server Core installation) Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Microsoft Windows Server 2019 (Server Core installation) Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Microsoft Windows Server 2022, 23H2 Edition (Server Core installation) Microsoft Windows Server 2025 Microsoft Windows Server 2025 (Server Core installation) Microsoft Windows Server 23H2
||<1.2.6017.0 - 10.0.10240.20947 x64 - 10.0.10240.20947 x86 - 10.0.14393.7876 x64 - 10.0.14393.7876 x86 - 10.0.17763.7009 x64 - 10.0.17763.7009 x86 - 10.0.19044.5608 arm - 10.0.19044.5608 x64 - 10.0.19044.5608 x86 - 10.0.19045.5608 arm - 10.0.19045.5608 x64 - 10.0.19045.5608 x86 - 10.0.22621.5039 arm - 10.0.22621.5039 x64 - 10.0.22631.5039 arm - 10.0.22631.5039 x64 - 10.0.26100.3476 arm - 10.0.26100.3476 x64 - 6.2.9200.25368 x64 - 6.3.9600.22470 x64 - 10.0.14393.7876 x64 - 10.0.17763.7009 x64 - 10.0.20348.3328 x64 - 10.0.26100.3476 x64 - 10.0.25398.1486 x64 - 10.0.10240.0|<10.0.10240.20947 - 10.0.14393.0|<10.0.14393.7876 - 10.0.17763.0|<10.0.17763.7009 - 10.0.19043.0|<10.0.19044.5608 - 10.0.19045.0|<10.0.19045.5608 - 10.0.22631.0|<10.0.22631.5039 - 10.0.26100.0|<10.0.26100.3476 - 10.0.22621.0|<10.0.22621.5039 - 10.0.22631.0|<10.0.22631.5039 - 1.00|<2.0.365.0 - 6.0.6003.0|<6.0.6003.23168 - 6.1.7601.0|<6.1.7601.27618 - 6.1.7601.0|<6.1.7601.27618 - 6.0.6003.0|<6.0.6003.23168 - 6.0.6003.0|<6.0.6003.23168 - 6.2.9200.0|<6.2.9200.25368 - 6.2.9200.0|<6.2.9200.25368 - 6.3.9600.0|<6.3.9600.22470 - 6.3.9600.0|<6.3.9600.22470 - 10.0.14393.0|<10.0.14393.7876 - 10.0.14393.0|<10.0.14393.7876 - 10.0.17763.0|<10.0.17763.7009 - 10.0.17763.0|<10.0.17763.7009 - 10.0.20348.0|<10.0.20348.3328 - 10.0.25398.0|<10.0.25398.1486 - 10.0.26100.0|<10.0.26100.3476 - 10.0.26100.0|<10.0.26100.3476
Oplossingen |
Microsoft heeft updates beschikbaar gesteld waarmee de beschreven kwetsbaarheden worden verholpen. We raden u aan om deze updates te installeren. Meer informatie over de kwetsbaarheden, de installatie van de updates en eventuele work-arounds [Link]
CVE’s |
CVE-2024-9157, CVE-2025-21180, CVE-2025-21247, CVE-2025-24035, CVE-2025-24044, CVE-2025-24045, CVE-2025-24046, CVE-2025-24048, CVE-2025-24050, CVE-2025-24051, CVE-2025-24054, CVE-2025-24055, CVE-2025-24056, CVE-2025-24059, CVE-2025-24061, CVE-2025-24064, CVE-2025-24066, CVE-2025-24067, CVE-2025-24071, CVE-2025-24072, CVE-2025-24076, CVE-2025-24084, CVE-2025-24983, CVE-2025-24984, CVE-2025-24985, CVE-2025-24987, CVE-2025-24988, CVE-2025-24991, CVE-2025-24992, CVE-2025-24993, CVE-2025-24994, CVE-2025-24995, CVE-2025-24996, CVE-2025-24997, CVE-2025-25008, CVE-2025-26633, CVE-2025-26645
Versie 1.00 |
gisteren |
NCSC-2025-0078 |
Signed-PGP →
gisteren |
NCSC-2025-0078 [1.00] |
Signed-PGP →
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